Uganda (SPPU)
Uganda (SPPU)
A Leading Voice for Inclusive growth and Inequality Reduction
The Social Protection Platform Uganda (SPPU) is a national network of organisations operating at grassroots, regional and national levels with a commitment to addressing chronic poverty, vulnerability and exclusion.
It was created to promote the exchange of experiences, knowledge and capacities that contribute to a strong social protection sector in Uganda.
Our Vision
Our MIssion
To enhance the capacity of CSOs to effectively engage in development and implementation of social protection policies and programs at all levels in Uganda
Since the start of its activities in 2007, the Platform has been very active in gaining understanding of current trends in social protection in Uganda, and using this knowledge to create awareness and generate debate about the importance of social protection in Uganda.
Our work revolves around four pillars:
Increasing local awareness of Social Protection, including facilitating the exchange of experiences.
Carrying out research and studies, such as policy analysis, evaluations and social audits.
Influencing government decision making on social justice and social protection.
Facilitating capacity building actions for the membership and diverse groups of stakeholders.